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Piano Tuning and the Weather


 Our customers often ask us why their piano seems to go out of tune when the weather changes. According to the Piano Technicians Guild

“Because your piano contains materials such as wood and felt, it is subject to change with climatic conditions. Extreme swings from hot to cold or dry to wet cause its materials to swell and contract, affecting tone, pitch, and action response or touch. You can reduce the severity of these effects by placing your piano near a wall away from windows or doors that are opened frequently. Avoid heating and air conditioning vents, fireplaces and areas which receive direct sunlight. Your piano will perform best under consistent conditions neither too wet nor dry, optimally at a temperature of 68 degrees F and 42 percent relative humidity.”
To read more information on how to keep your piano maintained and sounding beautiful, see the Piano Technicians Guild article: How Often Should My Piano Be Serviced?